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Jonesville Town Council Votes to Replace Heating Units in Cafeteria

Daniel Prince

Council gives information on parade, names marshal

In other news from the Jonesville Town Council meeting Tuesday, Town Administrator Michael Tyler informed council that both heating units are out in the cafeteria. Currently, they have a 4-ton and a 3-ton unit. Tyler said to replace those units, work would have to be done to enlarge the current holes going into the building. He said another option would be to purchase a couple of mini-split units, which would require the holes in the building to be filled in. He said he was quoted a price on the 3- and 4-ton units of $25,000, not including blockwork. He said the mini split units would be more efficient and would cost around $15,000, plus blockwork. Tyler noted that he could pay for the units out of the building maintenance line item in the water and sewer budget, which would show a deficit. The town could then use American Rescue Plan Act funds to cover that deficit in the budget. Mayor Ernest Moore noted that the town has been in the former high school building now for 13 years, and the heating units were old then. Council unanimously voted to replace the units with a mini-split system at an estimated cost of $15,000.

Town Clerk April Smith informed council that the paper currently used to print the town’s tax notices is running out. She said she was informed that Jonesville and Carlisle are the only entities using the more expensive seal paper, and that it was suggested that after this year, the town use RPT paper and allow the county to send out the notices rather than sending them back to the town to mail out. No action was taken, but the council seemed receptive to the idea.

Council member Ann Queen reminded everyone that the Jonesville Christmas Parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 3, at 3 p.m. They have several activities planned for that day. They are planning to give away $100 for the best-decorated house inside the town limits. WT’s of Jonesville is providing the money for that prize. The parade committee will give $50 for the best float in the parade. Queen noted they need 3 judges for each contest, and that council members would not be serving as judges. Queen said Harriett Moss was selected as the parade marshal this year. They will have another parade planning meeting on Thursday, November 17, at 5 p.m. for anyone interested in helping out. They will have pictures with Santa, caroling, story time, and a tree lighting at 6 p.m.

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